Fast Friends
Fast Friends
“Making new friends could make you a stronger leader, healthier individual, and actually help raise your income”
How quickly do you make new friends? Have you ever watched kids at the playground? Little Miguel ( my three year old son) and the family went to the Boston Children’s Museum recently with hundreds of other children. Miguel’s favorite game this time was the little basketball hoops. Most of the kids were older, taller and more experienced, but that did not stop Little Miguel from getting in there and shooting some hoops. The big kids were happy to see a little boy so into basketball and making some hoops too. By the time it was time to leave Little Miguel was giving high fives out left and right, like he had known the other kids for years. The big lesson: making friends can be a simple yet powerful trait to make friends quickly and to stretch yourself everyday to be outgoing and open to the opportunity. The Framington Heart Study has found that when your friends are happy, it actually makes you a happier person. It has also been said that your average income is in direct an average of the five friends that you regularly hang out with, interesting thought yes? Do you know how to help a sick fish? The answer is often to change the water. The principle here is sometimes we need to change the water (friends) in our lives to help us reach our next level of greatness. If you decide to change the water in your life, it can open up room for a new friend or two. When was the last time you made a new friend? How was it and how did you become friends? Making new friends could make you a stronger leader, healthier individual, and actually help raise your income. Never forget that you are never too old to make new friends!